Wednesday, March 30, 2016

SOL #16 Day 30

Today I felt a guiding presence in several situations that could have been disastrous.
One of those involved our beloved Golden Retriever, Ellie. I was working from home and let my dog out in the fenced in back yard. Suddenly the weather changed and I heard thunder. My dog is afraid of storms so I stopped working to check on her. I could not find her. She was not hiding in the bushes. She was not on the patio. She was not in the backyard. No gate appeared to be breached. I started looking beyond the enclosed backyard and frantically calling her name. She doesn't often come running when called. She often pays no attention to her location and wanders off. Even though she is a large dog, she is difficult to see. But I saw her in the field looking in my direction, she stopped what she was doing to listen to me call her. I ran out the gate and headed toward her location calling her name. She came running to meet me and we quickly ran toward the house safe from the approaching storm.

I was so thankful the event ended as it had. 


  1. So glad she was OK. That is such a nervous situation to be in. I could feel your panic.

  2. Wow, I have felt your pain! And so has my whole class thanks to our reading of, Because of Winn Dixie. Have you read it?

    1. I read it a long time ago, I should read it again. Thank you!


Summer Reading List