Friday, December 14, 2012


I found a website at I love this site. I have been writing at least 750 words for 3 days now.  I realize I am just getting started but I've found the process to be cathartic. I started writing about my early childhood because I did not want to forget. Since my Mom and Dad have both passed, I have no one to share the memories.  I feel in this way others will read about growing up in Southeast Missouri as a sharecropper family. Dad and I used to talk about our life in the early days, so I miss that connection with him. Our life is similar to reading the book, "Painted House" by John Grisham. I am trying to write the small stories that stand out in my memory. Right now I am typing as fast as I can and achieving the goal of 750 words in about 30 minutes. The site has statistics about the writing that include how many words per minute you have written, emotions you might be feeling, your mindset, your concerns (mine have been about work and family), the tense you are writing in, and the most frequently used words.

If you want to start writing, I encourage you to check out this site. You can earn points and badges in addition to getting your story on paper.

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