Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I stopped using Blogger because I was having too much difficulty commenting on the slices of others. I created a Word Press site, https://patriciajhollowaystudio.wordpress.com/ that works wonderfully until I try to comment on a site that uses Google. Arg. I type my comments, try to sign in with my name and url for the Word Press blog and attempt to post the comment. I get error messages that I don't understand how to correct. I try again. I know, doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity. It is making me a bit crazy. I try a third time and completely lose my comments. Finally I give up, knowing full well I can't meet the comment challenge. Oh, well, I'm doing the best I can.

I miss this blog. I will try to use it more frequently and reserve the other site for my professional writing activities

Summer Reading List