Friday, March 11, 2016

SOL #16 Day 11

I failed to post a slice yesterday. I packed, prepared for a presentation, joined a coworker and traveled 5 hours. Once there we met 4 other coworkers for dinner and conversation. They helped us set up our room for an 8:00 am presentation. We expected 50 to 70 attendees, so we really wanted to have our 8 learning centers in place.

We headed to our room around 9:30. I tried to write a slice but the internet wasn't cooperating, I didn't have anything to write and I finally gave up at 11:00 pm my time. I showered and went right to sleep. 

Today, now that the presentation is over I'm not stressed! We had a great crowd of 62 early childhood educators. They participated and shared their learning! 

I'm reminded of the phrase our small town newspaper columnist added to the end of each column, "A good time was had by all." 

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