I have a few pieces that hold a special place in my heart.
papers inside. My brother gave this to me after both our parents passed.
This library table has one edge that was replaced with a plain board, not carved like the front and other side. My Grandfather saved this table for me. It has some connection to the adoption. It is older than I am. I'm sure it has a story.
This picture was drawn by our son when he was 9 or 10. He must have loved bugs then. I remember how much he loved dinosaurs before that.
The carved donkey belonged to my Grandpa, pictured with Granny behind the donkey. I remember the donkey sat on his dresser along with a few other pieces that would not be considered collectibles. He kept everything just so.
I keep too many things. I know this because I attend estate auctions. It's an event where things such as these lose their meanings and end up becoming items filling a box to be auctioned to the highest bidder. But that is better than having family members at a standoff because each wants to be the highest bidder and they can't make concessions to give and take and share. They are only things, things that might trigger memories, but the memories of a life are what is important.
This was great to read. It triggered memories for some of the many things I have 'saved' over the years. But your last line was the best...they are just things not worth feuding over.