Wednesday, March 9, 2016

SOL #16 Day 9

In the many years of living, here are a few things I've learned:

“When one door closes, another one opens.” New opportunities await.
“This, too shall pass.” Even at the darkest times
“You can't fish in a watermelon patch. But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to.” Roger Miller
To make decisions based on my values and beliefs. It's all you have, really
To let go, even when it hurts. 
To listen to children, even if they only want to talk about television
To give your all, you will be glad you did.
To speak up. I've heard the squeaking wheel gets the grease.
To accept that the problem can't always be fixed.
No one is perfect.
The good die young.
Travel while you have your health.


  1. Thanks for sharing lessons learned! My granny would always say this too shall pass. I miss those words coming from her when I'm down...but the memories are there.

    1. Thank you for commenting. This phrase came to me during a back to school staff meeting one year. And it did.

  2. I heard my grandma speaking through some of these sayings. Bunches of wisdom within today's slice. :)

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  4. It's great to hear these words of wisdom. It's also interesting how you interpret them at different parts of your life.

    1. Thank you! It's funny how they come to an awareness.

  5. I've heard many of these as well and find myself thinking them a lot while raising my own children. They are oldies but goodies for a reason.

  6. These are all great 'words of wisdom' to be shared and passed on. :)


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