Sunday, March 11, 2018

#SOL 2018 Day 11 Some things about me

As a 2 year old, DFS placed me in a children's home.
As a 2.7 year old, I was adopted by a sweet young couple who loved me unconditionally.
As a 4 year old, I wanted to fly above everyone, write in cursive and read.
As a 5 year old, I started 1st grade and wanted to be a cowgirl like Dale Evans and go to school.
As a 6 year old, I didn't want to share my parents with a baby sister, especially when itwas my turn at rocking her.
As a 7 year old, I wanted to be a boy, they had it so easy.
As an 8 year old, I wanted to learn how to ride a bike.
As a 12 year old, I wanted to be grown up, like Penny and her dad, Sky King on Saturday morn TV.
As a 15 year old, I wanted to be 10 all over, it’s not easy growing up.
As a 17 year old, I graduated high school and began working in a shoe factory.
As a 20 year old, I got married to my high school sweetheart.
As a 22 year old, I started college, I wanted to be a social worker.
As a 23 year old, I wanted to be a teacher, like my sister-in-law.
As a 25 year old, I graduated college and began my teaching career.p in my hometown.
As a 54 year old, I retired from teaching in the same public school from which I graduated.
As a 54 year old, I started a new career in education conservation.
As a 65 year old, I thought I should retire and let someone younger take over.
As a 66 year old, I am searching for my place in this world.
I never stopped wanting to be a cowgirl.
Cowgirl at 20


  1. Sounds like you've had a great life and I have a feeling you will find your place. Never stop being a cowgirl!

  2. I love this look at you through the years. It is a great reflection piece and a way to look back on who you are now and where you have been. Beautifully done.

    1. Thanks so much. This weekend I wasn’t as stressed as I normally am and I relaxed more with the writing.

  3. I am almost your age, and I love this way of reflecting!
    It reminds us of what endures and what changes.
    I get the point about still searching for your way in the world.
    Great photo by the way! You ARE that beautiful cowgirl!

  4. I think it's time you get a horse and realize that cowgirl dream. :) You have the perfect place.

    1. Ha, yes I’d love to but we don’t have a fence!


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