Friday, March 31, 2017

Day 31 SOL #2017 Art Show

For more than a year, I've been a part of a small group of ladies who meet weekly just to paint. While the subjects have varied, the media has not; we use acrylic paints. We follow instructional videos of various artists. Sometimes we need 2 sessions to complete a painting. Other times we complete a painting in one session. Each week we peruse the offerings and make suggestions for the next week's lesson. Sometimes during class we are so entranced by the task at hand that we don't even talk. Other times we chat and have a snack.

I've learned so much through these sessions. I've grown in skills and confidence. I appreciate having others to share the experience. But I didn't really think I would have my art on display. It's happening. Tomorrow. Our local museum has a month long art show scheduled for April. They invited us to bring some of our art for display. I took some paintings by today and am excited to visit and see all our paintings on display. I know it's just a local venue but it is focusing attention on our work. Who knows where this could lead!


  1. So exciting! The possibilities! Congratulations on having your work shown. :-)

    1. Thank you for your comments. Yes, imagine the possibilities...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. That would be "art" , But heart also kind of works doesn't it

    2. What I was trying to say was it is so exciting to incorporate art into your life. It is a process as well as a product and one you can enjoy for many many years. Good for you

    3. Yes, heart does work here too! Thank you for your comments. I'm really enjoying it, my husband even likes to drop in and check on our progress.


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