Saturday, April 15, 2017

#A to Z Challenge Letter M is for Mt. Rushmore, Manatee Springs, Fla, May Apples, and the Mitchell Corn Palace

Here are a few pictures I've taken while traveling this glorious United States of America, all refer to the letter M

Mt. Rushmore

Rainy Day at beautiful Manatee Springs


May Apples in my woods
Michell Corn Palace 


  1. Mitchell Corn Palace has such a creative exterior. The work and time involved in creating the images is impressive. I like your theme of photography for the challenge.

    Ann, A to Z Challenge Participant
    Harvest Moon by Hand – a blog about homeschooling, crafting, cooking, and nature
    Maple Syrup; Martin Luther King, Jr; and Migration .

    1. Yes, I'd almost forgotten, I visited there 8 years ago. Thank you!

  2. Nice photos!
    Heidi visiting from the A to Z Challenge at, Decibel Memos (Perspectives absent of sound)

  3. Great pictures. I guess the Corn Palace is some kind of theatre - we have a lot in Britain called the Corn Exchange.

    1. It's kind of a museum in Mitchell, South Dakota with unusual displays made from corn. It is an arena where events are held throughout the summer. Here is the link to the Wikipedia page:

  4. Love your pictures Pat - Mount Rushmore is such an iconic view as we all recognise it from history, tv shows, and movies. Good luck with the second half of the challenge.

    Pamela @ Highlands Days of Fun

    1. Thank you, I'm really enjoying participating in the eclectic group.


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