Saturday, April 22, 2017

S is for Shut-ins

Missouri has some unique places. Shut-ins are one type. Shut-in refers to a spot on a river where its path is limited due to rocks. The water must flow over and around the igneous rock, wearing it smooth.
I have three different shut-ins pictured below:
Madison County shut-ins

Johnson Shut-ins is a beautiful spot in Missouri. We have held teacher workshops there because of the unique flora and fauna. There are fens there with the Hines Emerald dragonfly. The shut-ins are quite a draw for visitors.


  1. I never knew the term before. Lovely shots today.
    A Piece of Uganda

    1. Thank you! The term is odd, it makes me think of people who can't get outside!

    2. I was thinking the same thing, Pat, and was wondering how you were going to represent that photographically! Instead, the outdoors!
      Found you through the A-Z "S" linkup.
      A-Z shoes
      A-Z trucks

  2. Pat, photography is one of my favorite hobbies and I host the mid-week not-so Wordless Wednesday hop which I invite you to join sometime. ;) These are beautiful landscape shots of rock lined river beds & edges. The Little Pigeon River in the Smoky Mountains is a good example (or at least I think so given your description) of a "shut-in". I never knew there was a phrase to describe this before now. I like how you framed Johnson Shut-in the best and it's certainly a pretty place to to photograph or to enjoy a quiet walk.

    I took a different approach for the A2Z challenge this year and I hope you'll swing over to Curious as a Cathy to see my latest edition of Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "S" (Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs). Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend!


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